Attach on a game object with UIDocument component. Creates an UIView for UIDocument.rootVisualElement.
Inspector View
Public Properties
Name | Type | Description |
UIView | UIView | The UIView created at Awake according to inspector settings. |
ParentElement | VisualElement | The VisualElement that serves as the parent for this UIView. |
LunaUIManager | Luna UI Manager | LunaUIManager tracks interactable visual elements, enabling mass activation or deactivation within a UIView. You can also set a blocking element to prevent interaction with other elements until it is clicked. |
Fade | FadeUIElement | Manage fade transitions of the UIView. |
UIDocument | UIDocument | UIDocument component attached to the same GameObject. |
Public Methods
This method uses the public Fade variable from the UIView to fade out. Once the fade-out transition is complete, it destroys the associated GameObject.