Why UI Toolkit?

In summary, Unity UI (uGUI) is ideal if you prioritize familiarity or require 3D elements and custom shaders. UI Toolkit is the better choice if you need scalable, high-performance layouts with modern styling options.

Unity's comparison

unity Unity's Comparison


Subject Unity UI (uGUI) UI Toolkit
Architecture GameObject-based, with each UI element as a GameObject and Component DOM-like visual tree (similar to web) with no GameObject overhead
Scalability Prefabs provide reusable UI elements but can become cumbersome to manage, especially with complex nested hierarchies and style adjustments UXML and USS enable reusable, modular UI components with styles applied globally, making it easier to manage and update UI elements consistently across the project
Performance Higher overhead with many UI elements, due to GameObjects and RectTransforms More efficient due to lightweight visual elements and optimized rendering
Layout System Uses RectTransforms and anchors, which can be tricky for responsive layouts Flexbox layout, more intuitive and powerful for dynamic, responsive UIs
Styling Customization done through scripting and component adjustments USS (similar to CSS), allowing for powerful and reusable styling
Ease of Use Familiar GameObject workflow Declarative UI (UXML/USS) more complex but promotes cleaner separation between logic and style
Editor Experience Visible and manipulable directly in the Scene view Integrated tool called UI Builder
Textureless UI No Create visually appealing UI without relying on textures
UI positioned and lit in a 3D world Yes Possible to via render textures, but cumbersome to work with. (This feature is currently in progress.)
VFX with custom shaders and materials Yes No