Example: Multi Page UI
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using CupkekGames.UITK;
// Extend from UIViewComponent which sets up UIDocument.rootVisualElement as UIView
public class MultiPageUI : UIViewComponent
// List to hold UIView instances for different pages
private List<UIView> pages = new List<UIView>();
protected override void Awake()
// Don't forget to call the base function for initial setup
// Retrieve all page elements from the UI Document
VisualElement pageElements = Parent.Query<VisualElement>("Page").ToList();
// Check if there are any page elements
if (pageElements.Count == 0)
Debug.LogError("No page elements found in the UI Document.");
// Create UIView for the first page
UIView firstPage = new UIView(gameObject, pageElements[0]);
// Add action that fades out and destroys this gameObject when ESC is clicked
firstPage.AddAction(new UIViewActionEscape(FadeOutThenDestroy));
// Add the first page to the list
// Create UIViews for the remaining pages
for (int i = 1; i < pageElements.Count; i++)
// Create UIView with Invisible start visibility
UIView page = new UIView(gameObject, pageElements[i], UIStartVisibility.Invisible);
// Add action that returns to the previous page when ESC is clicked
int previousPage = i - 1; // Cache to avoid bug: closure over loop variable
page.AddAction(new UIViewActionEscape(() => SetPage(previousPage)));
// Add the page to the list
private void SetPage(int index)
// Validate the index to ensure it's within bounds
if (index < 0 || index >= pages.Count)
Debug.LogError("Page index out of bounds.");
for (int i = 0; i < pages.Count; i++)
if (i == index)
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