
A set of flexible abstract classes that you can implement to integrate seamlessly with example UIView components such as Main Menu and Save/Load.

An example implementation that you can use as a starting point. You can refer to the demo game samples to see it in action.


public class GameSaveManagerExample : GameSaveManager<GameSaveDataExample>
  [MultiLineHeader("This is a mockup. The save system is not included.")]
  [SerializeField] private int _mockSaveAmount = 50;
  private Dictionary<string, GameSaveDataExample> _saveMockUp = new Dictionary<string, GameSaveDataExample>();
  public Dictionary<string, GameSaveDataExample> SaveMockUp => _saveMockUp;

  protected override void Awake()

    for (int saveSlot = 0; saveSlot < _mockSaveAmount; saveSlot++)
      string fileName = GetSaveFileName(saveSlot);

      GameSaveDataExample data = new GameSaveDataExample();

      data.Gold = UnityEngine.Random.Range(100, 1000);

      _saveMockUp.Add(fileName, data);

  protected override GameSaveDataExample GetNewSave()
    return new GameSaveDataExample();

  protected override List<string> GetAllFileNames()
    return _saveMockUp.Keys.ToList();

  protected override void OnDeleteRequest(string fileName)

  protected override void OnSaveRequest(string fileName, GameSaveDataExample data)
    _saveMockUp.Add(fileName, data);

  protected override string GetFileExtenstion()
    return "save";


public class GameSaveDataExample : GameSaveData
    public int Gold;
    public NotificationHistory NotificationHistory;

    public GameSaveDataExample() : base()
        // New Save

        Gold = 500; // Starting gold
        NotificationHistory = new();

    public override void Load(string fileName, int number)
        GameSaveManagerExample saveManager = (GameSaveManagerExample)GameSaveManagerExample.Instance;

        if (saveManager != null)
            GameSaveDataExample loaded = saveManager.SaveMockUp[fileName];

            SaveDate = loaded.SaveDate;
            Gold = loaded.Gold;
            NotificationHistory = loaded.NotificationHistory;
            Debug.LogError("GameSaveManagerExample not found");


[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "GameSaveDataSO", menuName = "CupkekGames/Samples/Standart/GameSaveData")]
public class GameSaveDataSOExample : GameSaveDataSO<GameSaveDataExample>
    // Empty class body, just for implementing generic class

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